@prefix schema: .
@prefix the: .
@prefix dct: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix work: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix vad: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix tko: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix xs: .
the:oxGall a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "ox gall" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Yellowish fluid from gall bladders (usually obtained from cows) mixed with alcohol and used as the wetting agent in paper marbling and watercolor painting.If a watercolour wash is not covering the paper evenly, is beading up, or failing to absorb into the deep texture of the paper leaving tiny white specks, add a drop of ox gall to improve flow and even out the absorbancy." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "46ca71f1-9c15-4c35-ac6b-07851853ede2" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "opaque gouache contrast" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "The contrast between transparent watercolor and flat, opaque gouache can add interest and vibrancy to a painting. Be sure to keep distinct areas of watercolor and gouache or the opaque/transparent contrast will be lost. See the article on Gouache for more information." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "5d8342fe-be68-4636-af4c-850692bdf493" .
the:BurntUmberDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Burnt Umber" ;
the:ARGB "FF785D40" ;
the:order "25"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "BU" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:maskingFluid a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "masking Fluid" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Liquid latex used to preserve the white of the paper and to create textures" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
skos:related the:masking ;
schema:identifier "d51e34e0-881c-4802-89ba-a694491ead7c" .
the:flatWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "flat wash" ;
skos:broader the:wetOnDry ;
skos:definition "brushing successive strokes of color on a wet or dry surface, with each stroke placed next to the other, to create an even layer of color" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "6a6a55eb-0043-4f92-a4d6-0a70b220639d" .
a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "Painting processes" ;
skos:definition "Painting processes are the steps combining materials, techniques, tools and related concepts to produce a painting or to complete a part of the production of a painting." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:paintingProcess ;
schema:identifier "d36e4daf-1104-4dba-835c-17dbdf3ef3ea" .
the:NaplesYellowDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Naples Yellow" ;
the:ARGB "FFDCB745" ;
the:order "20"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "NYD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cobalt Green Deep" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF1853AD" ;
the:order "34"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "COGD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:TwoColorGrey1 a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Two-Color Grey 1" ;
vad:hasPigment the:CeruleanLCS , the:BurntSiennaDD ;
the:ARGB "FF87897C" ;
the:order "41"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "2CG1" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:image .
the:IndigoSCC a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Indigo" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF081C37" ;
the:order "4"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "IBS" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:SchminckeCompany ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:AzureBlueLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Azure Blue" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF3198C5" ;
the:order "32"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "ABL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:MarsVioletDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Mars Violet" ;
the:ARGB "FF754E49" ;
the:order "36"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "MV" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:shader a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "shader" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Brush type; a flat, wide brush with shorter hairs, exactly the same shape as a Bright brush; ideal for creating hard edges and square fields of colour; great for street-scapes and other architectural subject matter." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "0f1c6842-17ba-4108-b843-0df01ba88a53" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Yellow Ochre Light" ;
the:ARGB "FFAD8233" ;
the:order "21"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "YOL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:PottersPinkLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Potters Pink" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF5E2329" ;
the:order "15"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "PP" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:watercolorCanvas a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "canvas" ;
skos:broader the:canvas ;
skos:definition "Watercolor canvas is similar to oil painting canvas. Watercolor canvas has been treated with Gesso to enable it to take water based paints." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "ea6b1e7e-672b-4063-ba59-89d7cd3c0a09" .
the:hakeBrush a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "hake brush" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "The Hake is a traditional wide short-haired, long-handled Japanese brush into which goat?s hair is stitched. The Hake brush is useful for painting natural looking foliage and skies. It was popularized by artist/author Ron Ranson." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "fd5ed5b4-d6a0-4569-b558-e9d9afb0732d" .
the:sprayedInk a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "sprayed ink" ;
skos:broader the:diffusingPaint ;
skos:definition "The rich colors and linear quality of permanent artists ink can be used to unify a painting. Experiment using a fine water spray just after the ink is applied. The soft spidery textures add an ancient weathered patina to your painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1fdb2218-887b-4e9c-ad04-008077469ad3" .
the:mud a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "mud" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "Mud refers to the dull earthy neutral colors that result from mixing colors that contain too much of their complementary hue. e.g mixing a red with a green." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "22949d4e-a4bd-4df1-9ad2-5e3d7ac2cae0" .
the:informationalism a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "informationalism" ;
skos:broader the:computerArtTerm ;
skos:definition "Informationalism is a concept of strengthening the capacity of information processing and communication, made possible by technological innovations." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "8f365053-71e6-4dce-a2b7-b82ce1662746" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Art Technical Assessment" ;
skos:broader the:Interpretation ;
skos:definition "A technical assessment of a work of art is an examination of the work's technical execution, materials, and other aspects that can help determine its authenticity, history, and value." .
a skos:Collection ;
rdfs:label "Watercolour Terminology" ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
skos:member the:fan , the:oxGall , the:opaque , the:watercolorGlazing , the:underdrawing , the:catsTongue , the:wash , the:coldPressed , the:transparent , the:shader , the:wetOnWet , the:granulation , the:stainingColors , the:atmosphericPerspective , the:overPainting , the:linerRigger , the:impressing , the:atomiser , the:resist , the:indenting , the:scrapingDryPaint , the:backrun , the:stretching , the:dryBrushing , the:gumArabic , the:sizing , the:bodyColour , the:blotting , the:liftingPaint , the:frisket , the:hotPressedPaper , the:mopBrush , the:spattering , the:buckle , the:paintingTool , the:rigger , the:sedimentary , the:stipple .
the:tint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "tint" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "created by adding water to the original color; the more water that?s added, the weaker the intensity" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "c564e476-cd43-43bb-89cd-cad427f7f954" .
the:impressing a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "impressing" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "Pressing plastic wrap or fabric into a still wet application of paint; capable of creating a vast array textured effects." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "3408ef21-a909-48e2-8864-7b8fb1e2a3b3" .
the:PrussianBlueSCC a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Prussian Blue" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF306D9C" ;
the:order "39"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "PB" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:SchminckeCompany ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting post production" ;
skos:broader the:paintingProcess ;
skos:definition "The process of removing ." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingProcesses ;
schema:identifier "45760261-2655-40c1-890c-2d21f57f5379" .
the:computerArtTerm a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "computer art term" ;
skos:broader the:digitalArtTerm ;
skos:definition "A term of art in computer art." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
schema:identifier "8ce6da69-d85e-46c3-98fa-a10051ca5b80" .
the:publish a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "publish" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "Prepare and issue the work of (a particular writer)." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note "A tag used in Google Keep/Takeout to distinguish Keep notes intended for publication" ;
schema:identifier "78c839b1-a991-4222-b9db-5e7faa0fd0c7" .
the:IndigoBlueLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Indigo Blue" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF0C1534" ;
the:order "35"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "IBL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:RealgarLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Realgar" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FFB67318" ;
the:order "13"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "R" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:technicalism a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "technicalism" ;
skos:broader the:computerArtTerm ;
skos:definition "Technical method or treatment; (excessive) use of or reliance on technical terms or procedure." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "d9f3a322-7791-479f-9264-2fbda268a99c" .
the:rigger a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "rigger" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "A rigger is a watercolour brush with long thin hairs. It is useful for painting thin lines such as the rigging on ships, hence the name." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "c2cd5b73-f103-466a-9cb0-23ad54508f83" .
the:sizing a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "sizing" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Sizing is a gelatin based substance used in the making of watercolor paper, canvas stretching and panel preparation. Sizing slows the absorbtion of the paint so that most of the pigment remains on the surface of the paper. Can maintain the structural integrity of the paper, the paper can be soaked with water without falling apart; reduces paper buckling and warping once dry; encourages paper to shrink back to it's original shape." ;
skos:editorialNote "Some references to sizing consider it a process/tool" ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "33877264-ae13-41e2-a011-0ec5d3e1b306" .
the:maskingTape a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "masking tape" ;
skos:broader the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "This is a sticky paper tape that can be used to mask off a white border around your painting or to mask off an area of your painting that needs to be preserved." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "59f6d59b-e7d1-42f6-a86d-3304e8c84436" .
the:analogousColors a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "analogous Colors" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Analogous colors are colors that are adjacent on the Color Wheel. e.g. blue, blue/green, green." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "8e8d4200-3bb8-4e3b-aa1a-139f6a440d1c" .
the:buckle a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "buckle" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "wavy, uneven surface once water has been applied; can and should be avoided by stretching the paper prior to painting. (see; stretching)Although some aspects of painting once thought to be negative (such as backruns) can be used to ones advantage, buckling paper is never desired and never considered a happy accident." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "7d7a7228-2199-46af-b6c2-c39747b0e6c9" .
the:computerArtTerms a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "computer art terms" ;
skos:altLabel "computer art terms" ;
skos:definition "Terms used to describe computer art." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:computerArtTerm ;
skos:inScheme the:digitalArtTerms ;
schema:identifier "5201bf86-249b-4ead-aa92-579b60c8f92e" .
the:TwoColorGrey4 a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Two-Color Grey 4" ;
vad:hasPigment the:CobaltTurquoiseLCS , the:PottersPinkLCS ;
the:ARGB "FF9E9CA1" ;
the:order "44"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "2CG4" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:image .
the:ChromeGreenDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Chrome Green" ;
the:ARGB "FF80A96D" ;
the:order "27"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "CG" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Interpretation Source" ;
skos:definition "The source of the interpretation of the artwork" .
the:ViridianDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Viridian" ;
the:ARGB "FF4D9592" ;
the:order "8"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "VGD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:AzureSEN a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Azure" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF0F4FA7" ;
the:order "1"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "ABS" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:Sennelier ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:Sennelier a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Sennelier" ;
skos:altLabel "SEN" ;
skos:broader the:artSupplyProvider ;
skos:definition "A pigment manufacturer" ;
schema:sameAs .
the:gradatedWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "gradated wash" ;
skos:broader the:wetIntoWetWash ;
skos:definition "A wash in which the value gradually changes from dark to light. A graduated wash is painted like a flat wash except that more water is added incrementally to lighten the colour as the wash progresses. This technique can be useful for painting skies and seas etc." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "3f74ecee-8045-40f3-a1a7-4911cf72fbc2" .
the:casein a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "casein" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Casein is a water based painting medium derived from milk. It?s properties resemble Gouache. A fast-drying, water-soluble paint derived from milk protein, or casein" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "e9758c98-3e7b-44d1-8bc5-12da4e8d6a72" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "pressing into wet paper" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "This is a simple watercolor technique where a variety of objects (brush handles, empty ball point pens, blunt knives) can be used to compress the paper while a wash is still wet. The compressed paper will absorb more pigment than the surrounding paper leaving interesting dark marks in your painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "d9d7de01-01ad-45bd-985b-57bca6d9c06d" .
the:impasto a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "impasto" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTechnique ;
skos:definition "Paint that is applied to a canvas or panel in quantities that make it stand out from the surface." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "3408ef21-a909-48e2-8864-7b8fb1e2a3b3" .
the:clingWrapWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "cling wrap wash" ;
skos:broader the:assistedWash ;
skos:definition "A simple technique where cling wrap is arranged over a wet wash and left until the wash is thoroughly dry. The results are fairly predictable, but this technique makes interesting rock like textures" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "f22b0010-46a7-4ec0-b412-e3e55820cd6d" .
the:sedimentary a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "sedimentary" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "Paint characteristic; see granulation" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b376c03a-09f0-4252-8bd6-b8126d8a7f20" .
the:overworking a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "overworking" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "This occurs when you carry on adding more and more to a painting when it would have been stopping at an earlier stage would have resulted in a livelier fresher looking piece of work. This is rather subjective and can be difficult to judge. Try and evaluate what you?re trying to achieve with every single brushstroke before making it rather than just mindlessly piling on more." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "043a3cf1-c5aa-4e4c-b410-685b8173cee0" .
the:neutralColor a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "neutral color" ;
skos:altLabel "neutral (colour)" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Dull muted grays and browns. Neutrals can be mixed in a number of ways. e.g mixing 3 evenly spaced color wheel colors, mixing complementaries." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "134c194c-ac3a-4b51-a823-7e0d919e7c92" .
the:bead a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "bead" ;
skos:broader the:wash ;
skos:definition "A bead is the line of water that pools at the base of a Wash. Maintaining the bead becomes important when attempting to paint a consistent wash as streaks will occur in the if it dries out too quickly." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "fc4fb13c-8ec0-4baf-9643-cf839f6aa0d4" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "loose painting style" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "The loose painting style is characterized by a quick and impressionistic approach to painting. Many watercolor artists love to work in this style because of it?s spontaneous and lively appearance." ;
skos:editorialNote "This video seems the epitome of loose painting style" ;
skos:example ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1713297c-7c97-4506-a4ec-07b681c93c88" .
the:watercolorTerm a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "watercolor term" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A term of art in watercolor painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "4d7f39c2-544b-47a8-b04f-f656a58c608d" .
the:sandingDryPaper a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "sanding dry paper" ;
skos:broader the:removingPaint ;
skos:definition "Unusual textures can be made by lightly sanding the surface of a very dry painting with fine sandpaper. The surface takes on a slightly weathered appearance. The sanded area can be adjusted by the application of further washes." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "103dd0d3-2804-408e-b22f-448f1cae569f" .
the:gouache a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "gouache" ;
skos:altLabel "gouache (or body color)" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Gouache is similar to watercolor but is much more opaque. An opaque watercolor that can be applied thick or thin" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "94e719bd-d7c1-4b00-8dfa-a4583495db47" .
the:candleWaxResist a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "candle wax resist" ;
skos:broader the:assistedWash ;
skos:definition "Wherever candle wax is applied to the painting surface, no paint will adhere. White areas can be preserved in this way before the painting is started. Unlike white preserved with masking fluid, the area can never be painted over. Washes of underlying color can be preserved in this way too. The various colored marks in the example below were preserved by drawing wax onto a dry wash then applying another wash, waiting until it drys then drawing on more wax marks." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b2c1e858-ef89-4a38-9a67-cf19b4808af4" .
the:lineWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "line & wash" ;
skos:broader the:inkWash ;
skos:definition "Line and wash is the technique of combining ink pen drawings with with watercolors. Traditionally this was done with dip pens but can also be done with markers, biros and Rapidograph style engineering drawing pens." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "36bdab9b-7f8c-40a9-8338-c8c39b02e1b3" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cobalt Green Light" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF346A5A" ;
the:order "5"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "COGL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:easel a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "easel" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTool ;
skos:definition "A stable stand, supporting an artist?s painting ." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "ecc81790-3c79-4ed0-b090-783f2cb4c11d" .
the:cockling a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "cockling" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "Cockling, or buckling, occurs when a sheet of watercolor paper is wet. This creates a series of uneven undulations or ridges which can cause problems when trying to paint. Cockling can be minimized by Stretching, using heavier Weight paper such as 140lb/300gsm or above, or by using a watercolor Block." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1c58fc88-760f-463c-8502-9b75a7dfe897" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "aerial perspective" ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
skos:altLabel "atmospheric disturbance" , "atmospheric perspective" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Refers to the effect the atmosphere has on the appearance of an object as viewed from a distance. As the distance between an object and a viewer increases, the contrast between the object and its background decreases, and the contrast of any markings or details within the object also decreases. The colours of the object also become less saturated and shift toward the background colour, which is usually bluish, but may be some other colour under certain conditions (for instance, reddish around sunrise or sunset)." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "27a8012d-68af-42e2-9f71-ee5829746169" .
the:paintingMaterial a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting material" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A material used in painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "33538219-495a-4450-a173-430304bf219d" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Yellow Ochre Dark" ;
the:ARGB "FFBE8E3A" ;
the:order "22"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "YOD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "landscape painting" ;
skos:altLabel "landscape art" ;
skos:broader the:nature ;
skos:definition "The depiction of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests, especially where the main subject is a wide view with its elements arranged into a coherent composition." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "853c19f5-2ebe-48d9-9087-d47fcb7342cb" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "graph embellishment process" ;
skos:broader the:creativeGraphProcess ;
skos:definition "Embellish a basic graphic representation of data." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerGraphicsProcesses ;
schema:identifier "2a4e80d9-5390-4c21-8607-02f95eb197a0" .
the:bloom a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "bloom" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "See Backrun" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "243e9a3e-e5db-4de4-8ada-104e21b65d28" .
the:ontology a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "ontology" ;
skos:broader the:computerArtTerm ;
skos:definition "A set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "38651202-65d2-45cc-a644-7667020b2353" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "visual arts process" ;
skos:definition "A process used in the production of a creative work in the visual arts." ;
skos:inScheme the:visualArtsProcesses ;
schema:identifier "9d967b2a-009d-4a43-8028-24f8193f47c2" .
the:notPaper a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "not paper" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Is the British convention for referring to Cold Pressed watercolor paper, it simply means ?Not hot pressed?" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "65518f69-0a14-4b57-a329-f7d76d2acb3e" .
the:pleinAir a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "plein air" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Plein Air, or En Plein Air means painting outdoors." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "9a15dc12-69a6-41cf-8237-2ae53a072846" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "gracefulness of form" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "(T)he act of moving in an attractive way that shows control; the fact of having a smooth, attractive form." ;
skos:inScheme the:visualArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "0a1a4742-362b-45a5-95c0-07f3bd7ac16e" .
the:digital a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "digital" ;
skos:broader the:digitalArtTerm ;
skos:definition "(of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "c808be8d-9e12-4e0c-b466-aa56063428b0" .
the:colorWheel a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "color wheel" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTool ;
skos:definition "The color wheel is a visual representation of the colors of the visible spectrum in order of Temperature laid out in the form of a circle. Color wheels can be useful to artists as they show the relationship of colors to each other. Color wheels can be used to develop color schemes." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "7c88ee2b-1ae1-4dca-ab64-50942d2d108e" .
the:cauliflower a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "cauliflower" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "(See Backrun)" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "698a5086-a2ac-4817-bf23-0eb5372efff5" .
the:gumArabic a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "gum arabic" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "A natural non-toxic gum made from the sap of various species of the acacia tree used as a binder in watercolours; gum arabic fluid can be added to colours to thicken inks and watercolours, increasing the viscosity of the paint film and also intensifying colours. Gum arabic can also be diluted with water and applied directly to watercolour paper as a sealant, making it less absorbent, or over top of a finished watercolour painting (much like a varnish)." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "f9674a0f-f8f4-41ea-ba02-33c68af68357" .
the:canvas a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "canvas" ;
skos:broader the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "Popularly used by artists as a painting surface, typically stretched across a wooden frame." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "2cb7d4b5-2187-4ec5-b6b8-0ac595a6d433" .
the:coldPressedPaper a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "cold-pressed paper" ;
skos:altLabel "Cold Pressed" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "The most commonly used type of watercolour paper; a heavy weight; absorbent paper featuring a pronounced toothy finish and sized to accept watermedia (see; sizing).Highest quality cold pressed papers may be hand-made and will contain 100% cotton fibres; they're loved for their irregular rough texture and reliable performance and absorbency" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1da470ac-6388-4c5a-917a-7d45bd4bd621" .
the:transparentPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "transparent paint" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "consists of pigment mixed with gum arabic, glycerin and a wetting agent" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b7af93bb-3d61-471e-b4ca-d0858fa4295d" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "substrate preparation" ;
skos:broader the:paintingPreparation ;
skos:definition "The process of preparing the surface to receive the painting medium." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingProcesses ;
schema:identifier "e81d8cba-184a-4cbd-ae02-fa5ec9713c4e" .
the:SwatchBook a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Swatch Book" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A book of swatches for all the paint colors in the palette. The swatch book paper is 140 lb. cold press." ;
schema:image , , .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting term" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A technique used in painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "9b6071f2-74fe-4b52-b609-9596c3b79e21" .
the:paintingTerm a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting term" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "A term of art in painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "9b6071f2-74fe-4b52-b609-9596c3b79e21" .
the:CadmiumYellowDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cadmium Yellow" ;
the:ARGB "FFE5C407" ;
the:order "24"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "CY" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:mopBrush a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "mop brush" ;
skos:altLabel "Mop" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "A mop brush is a type of Round Brush that has a thick hair at it?s base tapering into a very thin tip. The mop brush is very versatile and can create many different kinds of strokes." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "05d5169b-db58-4180-bca2-7e36edab84a8" .
the:veganBrushes a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "vegan brushes" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Vegan watercolor brushes are brushes made from synthetic fibers but have similar properties to natural hair brushes." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "a97ca567-a7c3-435c-9574-9d471757080e" .
the:PhthaloGreenLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Phthalo Green" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF004A39" ;
the:order "7"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "PG" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "visual arts processes" ;
skos:definition "Processes are the steps taken to produce a completed creative work in the visual arts." ;
skos:editorialNote "Care is taken to distinguish processes from techniques. Processes focus on the order of steps while a technique can describe the details of a single step. It is possible to conceive of a many-to-many relationship between processes and techniques depending on the scale at which each is defined." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:process ;
skos:note "Process is a useful concept but not a priority to elaborate on at this time." ;
schema:identifier "7d6563bf-305e-48d8-8ca8-00d5a5db1310" .
the:hue a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "hue" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Quite simply, a hue is a color. This is independent of it?s intensity or brightness. A color?s common name (for example, cadmium red)" ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "782a0868-0f54-4f3c-814e-75ed78cc56ae" .
the:wash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "wash" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "; A wash is a large solid area of colour, a smooth field of colour without visible brush strokes. Washes can be just one colour, or they can gradate from a light to a dark shade of a single colour, or they can graduate from one colour to another." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "e19bbd3a-1801-4941-9857-9b92046977e2" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "glazing" ;
skos:altLabel "layering" ;
skos:broader the:wetOnDry ;
skos:definition "Glazing, or layering, is the technique of laying a thin wash of color over the top of another color which has dried. Due to the transparency of watercolor, this can have he effect of creating a third color or can simply be used to darken an existing color." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "9e23366d-aba2-4e26-9802-7cf15a9539f2" .
the:flatBrush a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "flat brush" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "A flat brush is a short haired brush with a straight edge. Flat brushes are generally useful for laying down washes of all kinds and are particularly useful for painting hard edged shapes such as mountains tree trunks etc.Great for crisp hard edges, washes, buildings and figuresGreat for crisp hard edges, washes, buildings and figures" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "498e3dcb-872c-4590-a250-a8927b625a2a" .
the:stainingColors a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "staining colors" ;
skos:altfLabel "Staining" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "Some watercolor pigments have smaller particles which means that they flow very smoothly and have intense color saturation, for example, the ?Pthalo? colors, where others are more sedimentary producing more of a granular effect, for example viridian. Colors that absorb into the paper before the water has had a chance to evaporate; they?re difficult to lift and will leave a stain on the paper. Not an indicator of paint quality as some pigments are inherently staining, and some are non-staining." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "3c573467-d82e-4957-8dc6-7d332c7038b4" .
the:roughPaper a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "rough paper" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Heavily textured watercolor paper" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "4994d844-b6f8-41a6-afdf-d2979179b582" .
the:watercolorMedium a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "watercolor medium" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Watercolor medium is a substance which can be added to watercolor paint to create effects that couldn?t be obtained purely with water, such as texture, gloss or glitter." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "a2d90dab-799f-4a1d-9506-08b03750395d" .
the:vocabulary a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:comment "Supports tagging of cwva data for searching, relating and aggregating" ;
rdfs:label "Concepts in the Visual Arts" ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
dct:contributor ;
dct:description "Concepts in the visual arts intended to enhance the meaning of the data" ;
dct:issued "2021-07-16T12:00:00Z"^^xs:dateTime ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2022-08-17T12:00:00Z"^^xs:dateTime ;
dct:publisher ;
dct:rights ;
dct:title "Concepts in the Visual Arts" ;
owl:versionInfo "v 1.0" .
the:deckledEdges a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "deckled edges" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "This refers to the rough untrimmed edges of certain brands of watercolor paper." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "fe497cf9-3d45-4f28-a7ca-31f4881ba1af" .
the:Assessment a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Art Evaluation" ;
skos:broader the:Interpretation ;
skos:definition "An artistic assessment usually involves an objective analysis of technical skills, composition, and adherence to specific criteria, often used in educational settings to track progress or judge competency." .
the:fanBrush a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "fan brush" ;
skos:altLabel "Fan" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "A fan brush is often used in watercolor painting for painting grass and foliage. It is a short haired brush with the hairs spread out out in a fan shape. Ideal for blending edges, or mimicking the texture of many things such as fur, feathers, ripples on water, grasses, tree boughs." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "9cd8b9a5-274a-405f-93f1-f907596330ac" .
the:bodyColour a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "body colour" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Paint type; a slightly confusing term that simply means opaque water-based paint (such as Gouache or Tempera). Opaque colours can be used to add punches of solid colour to transparent watercolours, and opaque white is used to bring highlights back out of muddy or over-saturated areas." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "06816e3d-ccaa-453e-954b-d2bc1e840cf8" .
the:atomiserSprayer a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "atomiser sprayer" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Manual (mouth operated) paint spraying tool that creates a fine mist and similar painting effect to an airbrush or aerosol spray can; sometimes referred to as a diffuser." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
skos:related the:atomiser ;
schema:identifier "4840175c-0801-4b1d-b70d-796a9dfe71c8" .
the:kolinskySable a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Kolinsky (sable)" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Is a species of weasel found in Siberia. The most highly prized and expensive watercolor brushes are made from the tail hairs of the male of the species." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b0b551d4-475f-49a0-9db1-04537b0c4c9f" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "complementary colors" ;
skos:altLabel "complementary colors" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Complementary colors are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. In other words, they are the colors that are furthest apart from each other in terms of hue and color temperature. e.g Red and Green, or Orange and Blue. Complementary colors contrast with each other when placed side by side. When mixed together they tend to cancel each other out, forming a ?Muddy? neutral color." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "4b0a902a-0c6e-4063-b40b-20c85aeba861" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Japanese rice paper" ;
skos:broader the:assistedWash ;
skos:definition "Torn Japanese Rice Paper is glued to the surface with dilute PVA glue, Matt acrylic varnish or a similar neutral pH glue. The results are interesting and unpredictable, depending on the type of rice paper." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "43b906f0-9585-45b0-9d2f-2606c927816b" .
the:IvoryBlackDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "IvoryBlack" ;
the:ARGB "FF23221E" ;
the:order "38"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "IVB" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:resist a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "resist" ;
skos:broader the:assistedWash ;
skos:definition "Any substance that can be applied to watercolour paper that will repel water and therefore paint pigment as well; wax crayons and oil pastels are commonly used resists: resists are generally a permanent addition to your painting (unlike frisket which is removed)." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "9ca85d90-be59-4150-8d1d-88bf707e8103" .
the:TwoColorGrey2 a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Two-Color Grey 2" ;
vad:hasPigment the:AzureDD , the:PottersPinkLCS ;
the:ARGB "FF8EA1A7" ;
the:order "42"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "2CG2" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:image .
the:ThreeColorBlack a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Three Color Black" ;
vad:hasPigment the:CadmiumYellowDD , the:AlizarinCrimsonDD , the:UltramarineDD ;
the:ARGB "FF595C65" ;
the:order "40"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "3CB" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:image .
the:stipple a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "stipple" ;
skos:broader the:brushingPaint ;
skos:definition "Creating imagery through a series of dots made with the point of a paint brush; dimension is achieved by slowly building areas of light and shadow with dots in various hues, enabling the colours to mix in the viewer's eye (known as optical mixing); a traditionally ideal method of working on miniature scale paintings." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "d554579e-2f8a-473e-ab15-c5f73ec08ddc" .
the:LCornelissenSon a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "L. Cornelissen & Son" ;
skos:altLabel "LCS" ;
skos:broader the:artSupplyProvider ;
skos:definition "A pigment manufacturer(?) and retailer" ;
schema:sameAs .
the:example a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "example" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "A thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule." ;
skos:inScheme the:visualArtTerms ;
schema:identifier "19fd4ad8-8c1b-415f-819d-e30541477144" .
the:source a rdf:Property ;
owl:sameAs .
the:pastelScrape a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "pastel scrape" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "Into a wet wash scrape the dust off a suitably colored pastel with a sharp blade. Test the pastel color against a patch of the dry wash first. This technique works well with sedimentary pigments using a similar colored pastel." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "f97dbfbb-8365-4b89-8776-b2d59ca81b72" .
the:scrubbing a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "scrubbing" ;
skos:broader the:removingPaint ;
skos:definition "A dry brush technique used to lift paint from or add color to an area of the surface" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1a96f4f6-64bf-4a64-bd7e-b0ff531579fe" .
the:ManganeseBlueLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Manganese Blue" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF1591C5" ;
the:order "3"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "MBL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:visualArtTerms a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "visual art terms" ;
skos:definition "Terms used to describe visual arts creative works." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:visualArtTerm ;
schema:identifier "05957181-8573-4804-9592-cf2820153652" .
the:tubeColor a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "tube color" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Watercolor is available in tubes or pans, In tube form the paint is squeezed on to a Palette like toothpaste in pans the paint is in solid form and needs to be reactivated with water." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "ce8cec56-94d0-405d-8ef5-5eb5ab4a8f7b" .
the:atomiser a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "atomiser" ;
skos:broader the:diffusingPaint ;
skos:definition "The process of spraying a fine mist, similar painting effect to an airbrush or aerosol spray can; sometimes referred to as a diffuser." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "ff3bbde9-61c3-4c15-92cc-82b3c3de1354" .
the:palette a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "palette" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTool ;
skos:definition "A palette is a surface for mixing paint on. Watercolor palettes often contain a number of wells or depressions so that the paint doesn?t run. Palettes are often made of white plastic but the best palettes for watercolor are pure white and porcelain. Palette can also refer to a color scheme or selection of colors." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "17597b2f-7d12-46fc-9900-1924aaab5275" .
the:paperMasking a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "paper masking" ;
skos:broader the:assistedWash ;
skos:definition "Cartridge paper can be torn to a suitable shape, placed on the painting then the area left exposed can be wiped over with a damp brush or sponge to remove pigment. This process works best with sedimentary and non staining colors. The technique can also be used with straight edged paper to change the tone in a formal, geometric manner." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "81993099-3dc0-40fc-b5cc-43ead65e291d" .
the:pigment a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "pigment" ;
skos:broader the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "Pigment is the substance that gives paint its color. Pigments can be natural or synthetic; usually an insoluble powder. For example, pigment is mixed with water and gum Arabic to create watercolor paint" ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "09041a6f-362d-43a6-8afd-d00ad9b12bc0" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "computer graphics process" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtsProcess ;
skos:definition "Computer graphics process is a step or set of steps performed in the creation of a computer graphics creative work." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerGraphicsProcesses ;
schema:identifier "ea834b4d-2362-4945-adb1-6c9eb5450e68" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "gesso underpainting?" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "With this watercolor technique, rough gesso brushstrokes add interest to the predictable texture of watercolor paper. Watercolor gesso or absorbent ground works best. The important thing to remember is to allow the gesso to dry thoroughly before painting on it. Watercolor, particularly sedimentary colors will settle into the fine crevasses in the gesso brush strokes making an interesting texture. " ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1ae248d0-9da9-4bd2-a241-088f0181d428" .
a skos:Collection ;
rdfs:label "A ? Z Glossary Of Watercolor Terms (With Pics)" ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
skos:member the:binder , the:chroma , the:intensity , the:mud , the:pleinAir , the:wetOnDry , the:watercolorGlazing , the:bloom , the:frameMat , the:charging , the:maskingTape , the:complementaryColors , the:bead , the:tint , the:lostFoundEdges , the:granulation , the:temperatureColor , the:happyAccident , the:coldPressedPaper , the:hardEdge , the:primaryColours , the:kolinskySable , the:bambooBrush , the:fanBrush , the:roughPaper , the:casein , the:maskingFluid , the:wash , the:cockling , the:primaryColor , the:scrubbing , the:graduatedWash , the:washVariegated , the:roundBrush , the:deckledEdges , the:loosePaintingStyle , the:sizing , the:value , the:pigment , the:hakeBrush , the:lineWash , the:watercolorGround , the:thumbnail , the:backrun , the:watercolorCanvas , the:neutralColour , the:nOTPaper , the:abstract , the:splitPrimariesPalette , the:liftingPaint , the:mopBrush , the:hue , the:relatedBlogPosts , the:gumArabic , the:cauliflower , the:daggerBrush , the:gouache , the:veganBrushes , the:tubeColor , the:naturalHairBrushes , the:palette , the:stretching , the:dryBrushTechnique , the:layering , the:wetIntoWetWash , the:colorWheel , the:softEdge , the:syntheticBrushes , the:washFlat , the:stainingColors , the:watercolorEasel , the:weight , the:overworking , the:paletteKnife , the:pan , the:analogousColors , the:block , the:watercolorMedium , the:flatBrush , the:hotPressedPaper .
the:washFlat a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "wash flat" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "Is the technique of laying down a large area of even, consistent color." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "14d6e4e7-0c1f-4a71-8703-414f398edeb2" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "dry brush technique" ;
skos:altLabel "drybrush technique" , "Dry Brushing" ;
skos:broader the:brushingPaint ;
skos:definition "Using a paint brush that is relatively dry, but still delivers paint to your substrate. The resulting brush strokes will have a coarse, scratchy appearance, contrasting the smooth, uniform look of washes or blended paint." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "d68e8f3f-6706-4d13-8e6d-eb49c25771c2" .
the:stretching a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "stretching" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "Laying a sheet of watercolour paper on a rigid support and taping all sides down to the support in order to avoid buckling and warping; paper stays relatively flat while you paint (avoiding unwanted and uneven pooling) and the finished painting dries perfectly flat.Any paper of less than a 300lb weight will warp if not stretched; the amount of warp is dependent on the amount of water absorbed in the painting process. Stretching is not necessary if you're using synthetic papers (which are not prone to warping) or if you're using a watercolor block as long as the painting is left on the block to dry." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "634bdf46-cea5-4093-98c5-64d062669fd6" .
the:RawUmberDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Raw Umber" ;
the:ARGB "FF63523E" ;
the:order "26"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "RU" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:ManganeseDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Manganese" ;
the:ARGB "FF0B7BA1" ;
the:order "31"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "MBD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:abstract a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "abstract" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "The term \"Abstract\" is used to describe a painting that is non-representational. i.e the subject matter of the painting is not about the depiction of reality." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "69a7a58a-8ca2-4b85-86de-0c69523ba45c" .
the:IndianRedDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Indian Red" ;
the:ARGB "FF542424" ;
the:order "16"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "IR" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:thumbnail a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "thumbnail" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A small sketch or painting produced in preparation for the creation of a larger work." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "9817a1a3-07d6-4bd8-8d56-6104c5a53a9f" .
the:primaryColor a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "primary color" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Red, Blue and Yellow are called the Primary Colors because they cannot mixed from other colors but all colors can be mixed from them." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "3212391c-fdc5-4c58-bfce-b6ca04055d11" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Lead Tin Yellow Dark" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FFC4B950" ;
the:order "10"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "LTYD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:indenting a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "indenting" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "Scoring the paper (using a stylus or the end of a paintbrush) directly after an application of fresh paint; the scored marks are recessed into the paper so pigments will naturally settle in the lines, showing off the scored details." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "a09a992c-c6b9-456e-8989-503e5c4f1036" .
the:assistedWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "assisted wash" ;
skos:broader the:wetIntoWetWash ;
skos:definition "A watercolor wash in the presence of another material intended to affect the behavior of the wash" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "4428e7ab-1b5e-4e34-a10f-0ca72bfca245" .
the:Evaluation a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Art Evaluation" ;
skos:broader the:Interpretation ;
skos:definition "Evaluation in art is the process of assessing the value, quality, or significance of a work of art. It involves analyzing the work's techniques, elements, and overall impact. Evaluation can help to understand the cultural relevance, effectiveness, and artistic intention of a work. An artistic evaluation tends to focus on a more subjective judgment of an artwork's overall quality, meaning and impact" .
the:removingPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "removing paint" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "The removal of paint with a tool." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "8952c9fd-3458-4ce0-a3c1-542cc50e2879" .
the:underdrawing a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "underdrawing" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTechnique ;
skos:definition "Sketching out the intended composition on your substrate prior to applying paint.Pencil lines can be lightly erased after the composition has been blocked-in with paint, or pencil lines can be left as they are. " ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "b8932191-275f-4192-a74b-fb48bc4c1f09" .
the:opaque a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "opaque" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Paint characteristic; the ability of certain paints and/or certain colours to cover completely, not allowing you to see through to lower layers; the opposite of transparent & translucent; ideal for over-painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "b0179fb8-3870-45f7-9607-a4a7b0c26a2f" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "washed ink with gouache mask" ;
skos:broader the:inkWash ;
skos:definition "For this technique, thick white gouache is painted on to preserve any areas of white paper. The gouache is allowed to thoroughly dry before being completely covered with pigment ink. When the ink is dry the surface is washed back with a water spray and bristle brush, dissolving the gouache and revealing the white paper underneath." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "e8543f32-fd38-4fa6-93f1-a7acecaf62d2" .
the:blottingPapper a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "blotting paper" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Paper type; Blotter paper; a highly absorbent type of paper used to absorb an excess of liquid (such as ink or paint) from the substrate." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "3f563b12-2a7e-44f2-86bc-2ecb751c08f9" .
the:binder a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "binder" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial , the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "Binder is a substance that holds watercolor pigment in suspension. The substance used is generally Gum Arabic or synthetic Glycol." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting , the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "72ebc54c-a920-43a9-8167-fdef3ec766eb" .
the:BurntSiennaDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Burnt Sienna" ;
the:ARGB "FFA86A51" ;
the:order "17"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "BS" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Alizarin Crimson" ;
the:ARGB "FF932D3B" ;
the:order "18"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "AC" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:weight a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "weight" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "The thickness of watercolor paper is referred to as it?s weight. When measured in pounds (lbs) this refers to the weight of 500 sheets. Or it can be measured in gsm. i.e. Grams per square metre. Heavier weight paper is more expensive but is more resistant to cockling." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "fbee8c7f-8434-49cd-9ba3-9682ec6a45f8" .
the:hardEdge a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "hard edge" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "The edge of a shape that is sharply defined, as opposed to Soft Edge." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "aac9dd1b-e104-42b4-ba07-f5f7c101cf98" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Naples Yellow Light" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FFCCC22C" ;
the:order "12"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "NYDL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cadmium Yellow Orange" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FFCF3916" ;
the:order "14"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "CYO" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:scrapingDryPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "scraping dry paint" ;
skos:altLabel "Sgraffito" ;
skos:broader the:removingPaint ;
skos:definition "Gently scraping paint off of the substrate (paper, in this case); scraping usually takes place after the paint has dried (or at least partially dried); results in subtle details and irregular textures and can help in restoring white space. A razor blade or craft knife, sandpaper, a piece of cardboard or a cut up credit card can be used; anything scratchy." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1ba2dbda-8bec-4fd7-b420-391aed45d52a" .
a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "watercolor painting" ;
skos:broader the:paintingProcess ;
skos:definition "The process of creating a watercolor painting." , "Concepts in watercolor painting." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:watercolorMaterial , the:watercolorTerm , the:watercolorTool , the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:inScheme the:painting , the:paintingProcesses ;
schema:identifier "67b6b185-d85b-4726-bfb5-288a4076a631" , "9238740c-dbd3-42e8-b292-22d07b3a25db" .
the:inkWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "ink wash" ;
skos:broader the:wetIntoWetWash ;
skos:definition "A watercolor wash of ink." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "ab877d65-1983-40df-9587-f4ebea7c8751" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "watercolor paper preparation" ;
skos:broader the:substratePreparation ;
skos:definition "The process of taping watercolor paper to a stable panel to support the paper during the application of watercolor painting techniques." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingProcesses ;
schema:identifier "d18d1a76-8afc-4239-9627-9a4b8905d93b" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Gallery Artwork Description" ;
skos:broader the:Interpretation ;
skos:definition "Technique or style: The technique or style used to create the artwork \r\nSubject matter: The subject matter of the artwork \r\nInspiration: What inspired the artist to create the piece \r\nMeaning: What the artwork means to the artist \r\nContext: The historical background, location, and time of the artwork " .
the:l-system a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "l-system" ;
skos:altLabel "Lindenmayer System" ;
skos:broader the:computerArtTerm ;
skos:definition "a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar. An L-system consists of an alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings, a collection of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols, an initial \"axiom\" string from which to begin construction, and a mechanism for translating the generated strings into geometric structures. L-systems were introduced and developed in 1968 by Aristid Lindenmayer, a Hungarian theoretical biologist and botanist at the University of Utrecht.." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "93c87534-a89d-40a5-ac88-ee455361de6d" .
the:value a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "value" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A color?s relative lightness or darkness" ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "c05c9200-07fd-442c-884a-c32c3bb49118" .
the:DavidDavis a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "David Davis" ;
skos:altLabel "DD" ;
skos:broader the:artSupplyProvider ;
skos:definition "A bulk pigment retailer." ;
schema:sameAs .
the:happyAccident a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "happy accident" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "An unintended and unforeseen event that occurred during the course of a painting which nevertheless resulted in a desirable effect." ;
skos:editorialNote "This better belongs under paintingTerm when that is available" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "08b8c08d-0c6b-498d-afd7-fa36f2f7835d" .
the:paletteKnife a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "palette knife" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTool ;
skos:definition "small spatula-style knife used to apply or remove paint, or to add texture" ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
skos:related the:impasto ;
schema:identifier "daed6fc7-60e7-4dfb-87c8-8d0a25a4bd61" .
the:spattering a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "spattering" ;
skos:broader the:diffusingPaint ;
skos:definition "\"Spatter\" refers to a technique where small, controlled droplets of paint are scattered across the surface, often achieved by flicking a brush with loaded paint, while \"splatter\" implies a larger, more chaotic distribution of paint, creating a messier effect with bigger drops, usually resulting from a more forceful application of paint; essentially, \"spatter\" is a more delicate version of \"splatter.\"" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "e2c7ea13-12f4-46bc-ae12-791bc6264f3c" .
the:transparent a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "transparent" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Paint characteristic; the tendency for certain paint colours to allow light to pass through the paint film enabling layers beneath to be distinctly seen; the opposite of opaque." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "3af047f8-d1d4-4cb2-aa83-898e4bce7644" .
the:CeruleanBlueLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cerulean Blue" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF2571A2" ;
the:order "30"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "CBL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:paint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "paint" ;
skos:broader the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "Artist paint is a professional-grade paint that is designed to resist chemical reactions from exposure to water, ultraviolet light, and oxygen. Artist paints have more pigment than student paints, which allows for more medium manipulation and limits color shift." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
skos:related the:pigment ;
schema:identifier "ebf4df53-116f-4d28-87f5-6499aa049a9d" .
the:VioletDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Violet" ;
the:ARGB "FF713380" ;
the:order "37"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "VI" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Collection ;
rdfs:label "Watercolor Glossary of Terms" ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
skos:member the:hue , the:wetIntoWetWash , the:value , the:temperatureColor , the:tint , the:wetIntoDryWash , the:watercolorGlazing , the:granulation , the:casein , the:pigment , the:charging , the:layering , the:roughPaper , the:flatWash , the:liftingPaint , the:stainingColors , the:maskingFluid , the:paletteKnife , the:analogousColors , the:hotPressedPaper , the:drybrushTechnique , the:scrubbing , the:lostAndFoundEdges , the:gradatedWash , the:gouache , the:variegatedWash , the:coldPressedPaper , the:palette , the:transparentPaint , the:softEdge , the:complementaryColors , the:panPaint , the:hardEdge , the:intensity .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting production" ;
skos:broader the:paintingProcess ;
skos:definition "The process of creating a watercolor painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingProcesses ;
schema:identifier "48a09c53-3d5a-4d66-9bb3-fe055605573f" .
the:painting a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting" ;
skos:broader the:paintingProcess ;
skos:definition "The process of creating a painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingProcesses ;
schema:identifier "1ab38e25-88c4-4a07-a9c7-303b5279ee0f" .
the:nature a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "nature" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A reference to the representation of things found in nature." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "31484277-4755-4e9a-8937-d86cde925c32" .
the:fancy a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "fancy" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "elaborate in structure or decoration." ;
skos:inScheme the:visualArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "53299ae9-3c20-4ded-a0e4-db4d586cc844" .
the:brushingPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "brushing paint" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTechnique ;
skos:definition "The application of paint with a brush." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "35998c2e-2228-4314-bd7e-b7d7e7366dec" .
the:naturalPatterns a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "natural patterns" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "A pattern is a design in which lines, shapes, forms or colours are repeated. The part that is repeated is called a motif. Natural patterns echo forms and patterns found in nature." ;
skos:inScheme the:visualArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "e19df431-718e-4633-b9e2-ded52c5be2a4" .
the:SchminckeCompany a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Schmincke & Company" ;
skos:altLabel "SCC" ;
skos:broader the:artSupplyProvider ;
skos:definition "A pigment manufacturer" ;
schema:sameAs .
the:wetOnDry a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "wet on Dry" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "This is the technique of painting wet paint on to dry paper. This creates crisp hard edged shapes." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "3961a217-955b-46e5-a9ad-f1afb3d8a8e7" .
the:washVariegated a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "wash variegated" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "A variegated wash is a wash painted with different colors in a wet into wet blend. Variegated washes are a signature technique of watercolor painting. They are often used to convey the natural scattering and bouncing of light and color that occurs in real life. Variegated washes can also be used to create abstract patterns and effects." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "e39a4d8e-ad06-484a-bcb9-7fc18277e226" .
the:wetIntoDryWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "wet-into-dry wash" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "also known as a glaze or layering wash; a wash that?s applied to a dry surface" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "d3e355fe-8bd9-4f46-bf65-8697f6b9ad3c" .
the:watercolorTool a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "watercolor tool" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTool ;
skos:definition "A tool used in watercolor painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "24eb6db8-cef8-4ff8-9d68-8529aec6cf00" .
the:watercolorEasel a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "easel" ;
skos:broader the:easel ;
skos:definition "A stable stand, with an angled board that supports an artist?s painting ." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "606c5824-1ddc-405d-ad14-3c669e2c4ed5" .
the:diffusingPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "paint diffusion" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "To spread over an area with paint in an aerosol form." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "1ffac74d-9b0c-4811-b28d-f39a6b780a14" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "watercolor technique" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTechnique ;
skos:definition "A technique used in watercolor painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "08477a20-cbf0-4937-a1fe-bf40e7442b83" .
the:syntheticBrushes a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "synthetic brushes" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTool ;
skos:definition "Synthetic brushes can be made from Nylon, Polyester or Taklon. They tend to be stiffer and springier than natural haired brushes." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "a5dd74ea-f3df-4fe3-b882-ad8985423cf7" .
a skos:Concept , schema:Organization ;
rdfs:label "Art Supply Provider" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "A Provider of art supplies either directly or indirectly to the public" .
the:washedInk a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "washed ink" ;
skos:broader the:inkWash ;
skos:definition "Waterproof ink is applied, allowed to almost dry, then scrubbed off. This will produce interesting textures and shapes. The results are unpredictable and permanent, so this technique is best used before watercolor washes are added. Best results are obtained using a spray bottle of water and rough bristle brush to scrub the ink back." ;
schema:identifier "c16d623d-f9ca-4c2d-8e61-60ab94fcfb17" .
the:UltramarineDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Ultramarine" ;
the:ARGB "FF003BA3" ;
the:order "33"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "UBD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:chroma a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "chroma" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "The brightness or hue of a color. Paint straight from the tube is at maximum chroma." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "3aacbf55-70bc-4629-84cb-8eb50b638052" .
the:softEdge a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "soft edge" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "Soft edges are edges that are indistinct and blurry, a fading or disappearing edge. In watercolor painting this can be achieved by painting Wet On Wet." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "7b00fce5-bbec-4a47-9021-3744bcaa25f5" .
the:Influences a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Art Influence" ;
skos:broader the:Interpretation ;
skos:definition "Influences can be many and varied. Artists can be influenced by other artists, both past and present. An artist's background, journey, and experiences can shape their work. For example, an artist's early experiences of the visible world can be deeply woven into their subconscious and carry over into their creative process. Also, basic visual factors like symmetry, complexity, contrast, curvature, color, and lines can influence aesthetic experiences." .
the:paintingTool a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting tool" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A tool used in painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "24eb6db8-cef8-4ff8-9d68-8529aec6cf00" .
the:watercolorGround a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "ground" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Watercolor ground is an acrylic based primer that allows a degree of absorbency. This enables a watercolor artist to paint on surfaces which would not usually be suitable for watercolor paint such as printer paper, thin card or even materials such as wood or stone." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b7818ea2-e446-422b-9ab2-68f512be6c20" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "lost and found edges" ;
skos:altLabel "Lost & Found Edges" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTechnique ;
skos:definition "When the tonal value of the edge of a foreground object begins to matches the tonal value of it?s background the edges of the object start to become indiscernible against the background. This creates the appearance the optical illusion of a disappearing edge but the brain still interprets the edge as being present. This is often used to create a deliberate effect, used to create and suggest movement. A found edge is the reversal of this." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "228946c0-dd45-45ce-9a92-b665abc19581" .
the:liftingPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "lifting paint" ;
skos:altLabel "Lifting Out" , "Lifting" ;
skos:broader the:removingPaint ;
skos:definition "Removing paint from a surface with a brush, paper towel or tissue. Removing colour from an area of wet paint, or re-wetting an area of dried paint and removing colour; a painting technique in it's own right, not just a correction method; the basis of subtractive painting.Lifting creates soft edges and can diffuse or modify colours, reducing their intensity and leaving only the undertones. Strategic or detailed lifts can be done using a slightly damp paintbrush to wick up the colour." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "8eb58275-7d2a-4111-b087-5bbb31aad7cf" .
the:wetIntoWetWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "wet-into-wet wash" ;
skos:altLabel "wet-on-wet" , "Wet-Into-Wet" ;
skos:broader the:wash ;
skos:definition "Applying a new colour to the painting without waiting for earlier applications to dry first; colours blend together without leaving of any hard edges or sharp transitions; a technique that is only partially controllable." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "6ab2e75e-b80d-440a-b874-5f4c9e39d8f2" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "structured data graph process" ;
skos:broader the:computerGraphicsProcess ;
skos:definition "The process of producing a basic graphic representation of structured data." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerGraphicsProcesses ;
schema:identifier "1f4e2464-7a6d-4193-a784-33cd138cae4e" .
the:digitalArtTerms a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "digital art terms" ;
skos:altLabel "computer art terms" ;
skos:definition "Terms used to describe computer art." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:digitalArtTerm ;
schema:identifier "e00e685c-2aec-46e4-8e7c-75e72e356a32" .
the:draggingPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "dragging paint" ;
skos:broader the:brushingPaint ;
skos:definition "Dipping a paint brush handle into fresh paint and dragging it through a wet wash makes an interesting, unpredictable line ranging from soft feathered edges to solid dabs of paint" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "d3313d82-a7ee-4b29-9ec6-6e9acb13583c" .
the:daggerBrush a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "dagger brush" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "A dagger brush has a straight edge and a sloping edge reminiscent of a knife blade. This brush is ideal for painting thin or tapering lines." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "ec05534b-fa30-4f4e-8b49-b89800a76de2" .
the:plain a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "plain" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character." ;
skos:inScheme the:visualArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "bc5df430-4166-4755-ab72-b69ec9617164" .
the:frisket a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "frisket" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "A fluid composition of liquid latex and ammonia, or an adhesive film; used to cover (mask-off) areas of of your painting where paint is not wanted; excellent at preserving white space. (see; masking, white space)Liquid frisket dries very quickly and can be easily peeled off waterclour paper (or rubbed off with an eraser) when no longer needed. Frisket adhesive film must be cut to shape and then applied to the paper; the low tack of the adhesive film allows it to be easily removed when no longer needed." ;
skos:editorialNote "This could be considered a material, as well" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "d6ecf650-7942-4c82-aa6a-0ffc3e4f6b77" .
the:WatercolorPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Watercolor Paint" ;
skos:broader the:paint ;
skos:definition "A paint made from combining gum arabic watercolor medium with a dry pigment color using a muller to create a smooth paste which is stored in a pan and allowed to dry. The pigment is identified by the label name and brand, and the binder is identified by material." .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Naples Yellow Dark" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FFDCBD31" ;
the:order "11"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "NYDD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:linerRigger a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "liner rigger" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Brush type; similar in shape to round brushes but with hairs that are twice the usual length; ideal for drawing out long, thin continuous lines; available in small sizes only (#3 is generally the largest size).It's debatable whether there's any difference between Liners and Riggers. Brush manufacturers don't seem to differentiate; one will call it a rigger, while the other calls it a liner, yet the brush is identical for all intents and purposes.x" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "42ae1e44-6749-44d6-a5cf-3241cae0b967" .
the:Interpretation a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Interpretation" ;
skos:definition "the process of analyzing a work of art and assigning it meaning." .
the:backrun a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "backrun" ;
skos:altLabel "Back Run" ;
skos:broader the:wetIntoWetWash ;
skos:definition "A back run occurs when painting into a wet area of watercolor with a mix of paint that is more dilute than is currently there. This causes the paint to spread out (Bloom) and often leaves a cauliflower shaped pattern when dry. This is often considered to be undesirable but can also be done intentionally to create a textural effect." ;
skos:editorialNote "The mixing of colours in a semi-controlled way by adding new colour to a wash that hasn't dried; backruns can be an unwelcome accident, but are also deliberately created by some artists to represent abstracted clouds, foliage or flowers, or just to create a specific mood and for visual interest." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "08ca18e5-e300-4a0b-b2cb-9d8f35865db0" .
a skos:Collection ;
rdfs:label "Advanced Watercolor Techniques" ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
skos:definition "Once you have mastered the basic skills of color mixing, applying washes, softening edges, dropping in color etc. there are a number of more advanced watercolor techniques you can incorporate into your work." ;
skos:member the:washedInk , the:draggingPaint , the:gessoUnderpainting , the:scrapingDryPaint , the:japaneseRicePaper , the:paperBlotting , the:pressingintowetpaper , the:pastelScrape , the:candleWaxResist , the:opaqueGouacheContrast , the:sprayedInk , the:washedInkwithGouacheMask , the:clingWrapWash , the:paperMasking , the:masking .
the:TwoColorGrey3 a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Two-Color Grey 3" ;
vad:hasPigment the:ManganeseBlueLCS , the:BurntSiennaDD ;
the:ARGB "FF8A8581" ;
the:order "43"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "2CG3" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:image .
the:CobaltBlueDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cobalt Blue" ;
the:ARGB "FF058A9B" ;
the:order "0"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "COB" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:flowers a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "flowers" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A reference to the representation of flowers." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "715c8700-545e-4d54-ad49-f2b036ba0925" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "split primaries palette" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "The primary colors are red , yellow and blue. A split primaries palette, is a palette of 6 colors consisting of three warm and three cool primaries. For example Cadmium Red, New Gamboge and Ultramarine, and Alizarin Crimson, Lemon Yellow and Cerulean Blue. The purpose of the split primaries palette is to enable a watercolor painter the greatest range of warm and cool color mixing options with the fewest colors." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "50fb2c6d-4ccd-4548-ac68-4554b4d1b0a7" .
the:RawSiennaDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Raw Sienna" ;
the:ARGB "FFC79743" ;
the:order "23"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "RS" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:temperatureColor a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "temperature color" ;
skos:altLabel "temperature" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "Colors are divided into cool and warm. Colors that lean towards Red/Yellow are considered to be warm colors and colors that lean towards Blue/Green are classified as cool." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "a2ce14e6-bd59-44ed-ae5d-708532371bfa" .
the:pan a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "pan" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Pans are small thumbnail sized paint containers that slot into portable trays. Pans are most often used for painting in small sketchbooks and outdoors" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b63c1c11-8d41-499a-aad3-b3a2ce83b52a" .
the:GoogleGemini a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Google Gemini Source" ;
tko:link ;
skos:broader the:InterpretationSource ;
skos:definition "The source of the interpretation of the artwork is Google Gemini" .
the:intensity a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "intensity" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "This refers to the brightness or dullness of a particular color. A color?s saturation, brightness or strength" ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "f33767e7-fb46-4ec8-82f0-e1dbba9a9edb" .
the:Criticism a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Art Criticism" ;
owl:sameAs vad:ArtCriticism ;
skos:broader the:Interpretation ;
skos:definition "Art criticism is the analysis and evaluation of art, including its significance in art history and its communication with the audience" .
the:block a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "block" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Watercolor paper is often sold in a ?Block?, which is a number of sheets of paper that are glued around the edges as opposed to loose. This minimizes Cockling and eliminates the need for stretching paper." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "dfbfbed8-5f4b-42e8-b4fe-d6a71882ff9e" .
the:granulation a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "granulation" ;
skos:altLabel "Granulating" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTerm ;
skos:definition "The tendency for some colour pigments to precipitate (or settle out) when water is added, resulting in a granular, speckled effect; also commonly referred to as sedimentary colours; it's a natural effect, not indicative of poor quality paint, or technical misuse. Only some colours will granulate." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "3e28fb76-7641-4853-8c4f-9d7eb54ea84e" .
the:CeruleanSEN a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cerulean" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF3475AF" ;
the:order "2"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "CBS" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:Sennelier ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:Opinion a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Opinion" ;
skos:broader the:Interpretation ;
skos:definition "An opinion of a work of art is a personal interpretation or judgment about its aesthetic qualities, meaning, and impact, based on an individual's subjective experience and perspective when viewing the piece; essentially, how someone feels about the artwork and what they think it conveys, which can vary greatly from person to person." .
the:visualArtTerm a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "visual art term" ;
skos:definition "A term of art in the visual arts." ;
skos:inScheme the:visualArtTerms ;
schema:identifier "cf03af3f-30ce-4a1e-8221-878a1f1bb21a" .
the:overPainting a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "over-painting" ;
skos:broader the:brushingPaint ;
skos:definition "Cleaning up muddy or over-saturated areas, restoring white space (see; white space), creating highlights, or making blurry edges crisp again; generally speaking, over-painting is done with an opaque white water-based paint (such as Titanium White Gouache, or Chinese White Watercolour).Some traditionalist folks consider over-painting to be cheating, however it's a widely practiced technique and can be artfully done. Over-painting is often a much better solution than chucking out an otherwise successful painting.... Besides, who cares what some folks think! Art is not meant to be perfection." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b532d2eb-1a7c-463c-b670-d61a34013c85" .
the:VirdianLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Virdian" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF107B69" ;
the:order "29"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "VGL" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:roundBrush a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "round brush" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "A very commonly used watercolor brush with hairs that taper to a fine point. The round brush is a versatile brush that can be used to paint a variety of brush strokes.A very versatile brush. It can be used for painting washes, fine details and broad strokes" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "ccf11591-7c8d-4bc5-b986-b5b2b7428482" .
the:digitalArtTerm a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "digital art term" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtTerm ;
skos:definition "A term of art in digital art." ;
skos:inScheme the:digitalArtTerms ;
schema:identifier "b3977fb7-56a1-4087-bf85-be39e15fa33b" .
the:paintingTerms a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "Painting terms" ;
skos:definition "Terms used to describe the materials, techniques, tools and related concepts used in painting." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:paintingTerm ;
schema:identifier "19d90774-6220-4b4d-85a3-269cd54297c3" .
the:algorithmicism a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "algorithmicism" ;
skos:broader the:computerArtTerm ;
skos:definition "(T)he digital age has ushered in an era of \"algorithmicism\"--the increasingly steadfast belief that everything in the world, from business processes to financial markets to interpersonal interactions and more, can be analyzed and broken down into discrete model that are representable and manipulable by mathematical/digital processes." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "393c1762-5b0b-41c6-b8c8-755f0cb977de" .
the:Wyeth a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Wyeth" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTerm ;
skos:definition "A reference to the Wyeth family." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "1dce5aa2-407e-45db-a5c0-c0a8d6a4abdd" .
the:panPaint a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "pan paint" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "small cakes of watercolor paint that come in half-pan or whole-pan sizes" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "e0fde960-13c1-4ba1-a212-569e6c0c2307" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "watercolor material" ;
skos:broader the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "A material used in watercolor painting." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "24eb6db8-cef8-4ff8-9d68-8529aec6cf00" .
the:bambooBrush a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "bamboo brush" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "An inexpensive natural haired chinese style brush (Often squirrel hair) that has a bamboo handle and is mainly used to create loose painterly strokes.I love using this brush for natural looking foliage and skiesI love using this brush for natural looking foliage and skies" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "97bbc4a6-b170-4bd5-a44a-1a9e71bcd0a3" .
a skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "computer graphics processes" ;
skos:definition "The steps performed in the creation of a computer graphics creative work." ;
skos:hasTopConcept the:computerGraphicsProcess ;
schema:identifier "dc9fb9b2-12c2-48a1-836a-ee473ca6581c" .
the:variegatedWash a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "variegated wash" ;
skos:broader the:wetIntoWetWash ;
skos:definition "type of wet-into-wet wash that involves placing colors side by side and then mixing and blending them along their edges" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "bcccd3cf-2a61-49c6-a0af-75995443e2c6" .
the:stochasticism a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "stochasticism" ;
skos:broader the:computerArtTerm ;
skos:definition "randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerArtTerms ;
skos:note ;
schema:identifier "76608310-a155-4891-ba85-7beb97391f06" .
the:sandpaper a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "sandpaper" ;
skos:broader the:paintingTool , the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "produced in a range of grit sizes and is used to remove material from surfaces, either to make them smoother or to remove a layer of material" ;
skos:editorialNote "This is both a tool and material" ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
skos:related the:sandingDryPaper ;
schema:identifier "d21c2e98-edad-4859-be73-555a3447639f" .
the:catsTongue a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "cat's tongue" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Brush type; similar in shape to a Filbert brush, but with a pointed tip. The ideal tool for creating single-stroke flower petals and leaves.To help clarify the definitions of specialty brushes in this glossary, use this visual guide to basic brush shapes as a reference." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "b084ec7a-bef0-4fc0-a9a8-b37e419aadbd" .
the:paintingProcess a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "painting process" ;
skos:broader the:visualArtsProcess ;
skos:definition "A process used in the production of a painting as a creative work." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "88726b6d-d819-4280-9070-ad4d41d252d5" .
the:LemonYellowLCS a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Lemon Yellow" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FFD9E167" ;
the:order "9"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "LY" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:TerreVerteSEN a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Terre Verte" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF9FB181" ;
the:order "28"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "TV" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:Sennelier ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:hotPressedPaper a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "hot pressed paper" ;
skos:altLabel "Hot Pressed" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorMaterial ;
skos:definition "Paper type; a heavy-weight, slow-to-absorb paper featuring a very smooth finish; manufactured using steam, heat and/or pressure to to help the fibres (wood pulp and/or cotton) nestle very close together, making the paper very slow to absorb; sized for water media." ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "f5de000a-e1d7-4513-a493-2ccfd0e1ac90" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "natural hair brushes" ;
skos:broader the:watercolorTool ;
skos:definition "Brushes that contain animal hair such as squirrel, sable or goat" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "31cf91de-5a5a-4152-80d9-483ea3345bd7" .
the:masking a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "masking" ;
skos:broader the:assistedWash ;
skos:definition "In watercolor painting, white areas are usually depicted by preserving the white of the paper. Masking fluid is a rubbery fluid which can be painted on to the watercolor paper and once dry, can be painted over preventing water from seeping through on to the paper. Masking fluid can be removed with gentle rubbing and peeling once the paint is dry." ;
skos:editorialNote "Chose to use 'masking' for the technique and 'maskingFluid' for the material; however, 'masking' does not necessarily imply the use of masking fluid" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "bea51728-f85f-4861-b0bf-c1374b2ef92d" .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Cobalt Turquoise" ;
vad:hasPigment ;
the:ARGB "FF6FB9A8" ;
the:order "6"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "CT" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:LCornelissenSon ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
the:VermilionDD a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Vermilion" ;
the:ARGB "FFD05F4F" ;
the:order "19"^^xs:int ;
the:symbol "VD" ;
skos:broader the:WatercolorPaint ;
schema:brand the:DavidDavis ;
schema:image ;
schema:material the:HomemadeWatercolorBinder .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "creative graph process" ;
skos:broader the:computerGraphicsProcess ;
skos:definition "The process of turning a graphic representation of structured data into a creative work." ;
skos:inScheme the:computerGraphicsProcesses ;
schema:identifier "0351dcb0-9697-46af-9ccd-278e0fed34a2" .
a skos:Concept , schema:Recipe ;
rdfs:label "Watercolor Medium" ;
skos:broader the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "A gum-arabic based watercolor binding medium." ;
schema:recipeIngredient "gum arabic powder, distilled water, glycerine (humectant), essential oil of clove, essential oild of rosemary" ;
schema:recipeInstructions "\r\n1. Dissolve the gum Arabic powder:\r\nDissolve two-part gum Arabic powder in four parts warm distilled water.\r\nPour slowly and stir continuously for 10-15 minutes.\r\n2. Add Humectant:\r\nAdd one part of honey or glycerine (humectant)\r\ninto the binder mixture at this stage.\r\n3. Natural preservative:\r\nAdd a couple of drops of essential oil (clove/rosemary)\r\nto the binder solution.\r\n4. Let the solution stand for 24-48hrs to allow complete hydration of the gum arabic particles before use." .
the:paperBlotting a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "paper blotting" ;
skos:broader the:liftingPaint ;
skos:definition "Crumpled paper towel will lift pigment from a wet was in a soft, predictable way. Keep rotating and re crumpling the paper so you dont get a repeating pattern in the blot marks. This is a good watercolor technique for lifting clouds out of a wet sky. Manually soaking up excess paint before it dries using a small sponge, piece of absorbent tissue or a towel" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "a4f31341-cee3-4542-b3aa-43bc6c9cefe7" .
the:frameMat a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "frame mat" ;
skos:broader the:paintingMaterial ;
skos:definition "A Mat is a ?Window? of card that sits inside a picture frame between the glass and the painting. It has the aesthetic function of creating a clean border around your painting and the practical function of separating the surface of the painting from the glass." ;
skos:inScheme the:paintingTerms ;
schema:identifier "d3feb0ed-c18c-4fba-a410-312597f892a2" .
the:charging a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "charging" ;
skos:broader the:wetIntoWetWash ;
skos:definition "Is a technique that involves dropping a new wet color into an existing wash allowing them to blend ad create interesting variations of color or tonal value. Mixing two or more colors directly on the paper instead of premixing on a palette" ;
skos:inScheme the:watercolorPainting ;
schema:identifier "2aa59820-ad46-40f3-a929-bfd694017a7d" .